San Antonio, TX Personal Injury Lawyers
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San Antonio Head-On Collision Lawyer

Our law firm fights for injury victims’ rights in Bexar County, Texas

One of the most serious types of car accidents is a head-on collision. When two cars crash head on into each other, the damage to both vehicles can be severe. So can the injuries sustained in a head-on car accident. In some cases, these crashes can even be fatal.

So what should you do if you or a loved one is involved in a head-on collision in San Antonio caused by another driver? Maybe at an intersection or on/off highway ramp? What are your options for a substantial settlement? The best way to learn more about your legal rights is to talk to an experienced San Antonio head-on collision car accident attorney right away.

The dedicated legal team at The Herrera Law Firm can demand the compensation you deserve and make sure your head-on collision claim or lawsuit doesn’t fall through the cracks. We’re focused on finding the facts and building the strongest possible legal case for you. Contact our San Antonio head-on collision lawyers today for a free case evaluation.

What is a head-on collision?

A head-on collision occurs when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions crash into each other. This type of accident often results in severe injuries or death, especially at high speeds. Understanding the factors that contribute to this type of accident and the potential consequences can be important when seeking legal and medical assistance after a crash.

The average payout for a head-on collision depends on factors like severity of injuries, availability of insurance, fault, and your lawyer’s negotiating skills. This is why it often pays to talk to a head-on collision attorney as soon as possible after your accident.

Why do head-on collisions happen?

Head-on collisions involving two vehicles almost always occur because one driver was behaving in a reckless or negligent manner. Specifically, this can include:

  • Speeding drivers who lose control of the car, resulting in the vehicle veering into on-coming traffic and causing a head-on collision.
  • Distracted drivers, especially texting drivers, which results in the at-fault driver crossing the center line and hitting another vehicle head-on.
  • Tired drivers who fall asleep at the wheel and cause a head-on collision.
  • Reckless or aggressive drivers who pass illegally, especially on rural roads, resulting in a head-on crash.
  • Inexperienced drivers who lose control of the car, especially on wet or icy roads, causing a head-on accident.

Who’s at fault in a head-on collision?

Like most accidents, the driver who causes the collision is often considered the at-fault party. This might seem straightforward. But determining who was at fault in a head-on collision can be complicated in many cases. In particular, that’s because the at-fault driver often denies doing anything wrong or might even try to blame the other driver for causing the collision. Witnesses may disagree on which car was going the wrong way.

This is why it’s important for everyone involved in a head-on collision to talk to an attorney right away. Otherwise, the driver who caused the crash might convince insurance companies that they are not the ones to blame.

Who determines who’s at fault?

You might think that the police officer investigating your San Antonio head-on collision has the most to say about who caused your crash. But the truth is that the insurance companies for both drivers often have the most influence regarding determining who was at fault.

This is important because the at-fault driver’s insurance company has the most to lose in such cases. In Texas, the at-fault driver’s insurance company is responsible for paying injury victims for all their accident-related expenses.

Not surprisingly, these insurance companies often do everything they can to avoid responsibility. That way, they won’t have to pay. If this happens, you could be forced to pay for your accident out of your own pocket, even if you didn’t do anything wrong.

Common types of head-on collision injuries

Head-on collisions often cause severe injuries because both vehicles' combined speeds amplify the force of impact, subjecting occupants to extreme and sudden deceleration. This intense force can crush the front of the vehicles, pushing the dashboard and steering wheel into the driver's and passengers' bodies, leading to catastrophic injuries. Additionally, the sudden stop can violently jerk the head, neck, and spine, causing severe trauma. Common types of head-on collision injuries include:

  • Head and Brain Injuries. The violent impact in a head-on collision often leads to concussions, skull fractures, or traumatic brain injuries, which can cause lasting cognitive and physical impairments.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries. The force of the crash can result in spinal cord damage, potentially causing paralysis or chronic pain. Victims may face a long and difficult recovery.
  • Chest Injuries. Drivers and passengers frequently suffer broken ribs, collapsed lungs, or internal bleeding from the impact of the steering wheel or dashboard.
  • Facial Injuries. The impact can shatter bones in the face, leading to disfigurement or loss of function in the eyes, nose, or jaw, requiring extensive medical intervention.
  • Leg and Knee Injuries. The force of the collision often traps legs under the dashboard, causing fractures, torn ligaments, or crushed bones that may require surgery and long-term rehabilitation.

These injuries can be life-altering, and victims often have extensive medical bills and lost income as a result of their head-on collision. Having a lawyer can help make sure they demand the maximum compensation they need to rebuild their lives.

What can I be compensated for?

Because Texas has an at-fault car insurance system, you should be compensated for all your accident-related expenses. In the case of a head-on collision, such expenses can easily add up to thousands of dollars or significantly more, including money for:

  • All past, present, and future anticipated medical expenses related to your car accident injury.
  • Repairing your damaged vehicle or purchasing a new one if your car is a total loss.
  • Replacement income while you are recovering from your car accident injury.
  • Lost future income if you cannot return to work due to a permanent disability.
  • Pain and suffering in certain circumstances.

Why should I hire a head-on collision attorney?

Don’t simply assume you will be fairly compensated just because another driver clearly caused your head-on collision. Often, you have to fight for the money you rightfully deserve. That’s why it’s critical that you have an experienced attorney on your side, looking out for your best interests.

Our experienced San Antonio head-on collision lawyers at The Herrera Law Firm can help you every step of the way. We understand how the legal system and car insurance compensation process work in Texas. We know what evidence to look for and which legal strategies can often be the most effective.

Take your head-on collision seriously right from the start. Contact us and schedule a free consultation with a San Antonio car accident attorney you can count on in a crisis.

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    The Herrera
    Law Firm
    1800 W. Commerce St.
    San Antonio, TX 78207
    Toll Free: 1-800-455-1054
    Phone: 1-210-224-1054
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