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How Much is My Car Accident Settlement Worth?

Experienced San Antonio car accident lawyers explain what to know

One of the first questions many people have after a serious car accident is, “How much is my car accident settlement claim worth?” This might seem like a straightforward question. But there’s no simple answer to this important question.

Many different factors come into play when determining how much money someone should receive for their accident-related expenses. That’s why it’s important to understand how the compensation system works when it comes to car crashes in Texas, especially when dealing with injuries like neck and back injuries, concussions, or a herniated disc.

Our experienced San Antonio car accident attorneys at The Herrera Law Firm can help you every step of the way. We have a well-earned reputation for obtaining sizable settlements for injury victims and their families in Texas. When you have our legal team on your side, you can demand the money you rightfully deserve – even when it is far more than the average car accident settlement.

How much is my car accident settlement worth?

First, it’s important to understand how Texas’ car insurance system works. When one driver causes a collision involving another driver, the at-fault driver is responsible for compensating all injury victims for all accident-related expenses. This is because Texas has an at-fault car insurance system.

So if you have been involved in a car crash caused by someone else, this means you should be financially compensated for all your accident-related expenses. How much money that adds up can often be a big source of debate. Whether you’re dealing with neck and back injuries or other severe conditions like concussions, traumatic brain injuries, or herniated discs, the average settlement for car accident injuries can vary widely.

In short, your settlement could be worth thousands of dollars or significantly more depending on many different factors. This is why it’s critical that you talk to an experienced car accident attorney right away to find out exactly how much money you deserve to be paid for your injury-related expenses.

What expenses does my settlement cover?

As explained above, you should be financially compensated for all your injury-related expenses after your accident. What you might not realize is just how many expenses should be covered by your accident claim. Such expenses often include:

  • All medical care related to your car accident injury, including emergency medical treatment (ambulance fees, surgery, hospital fees, etc.) and long-term medical care (follow-up doctor’s appointments, physical therapy, prescription medications, etc.).
  • Repairing or replacing your vehicle, especially if it’s a total loss.
  • Replacement income while you’re recovering from your car accident injury and cannot work.
  • Lost future income if you cannot return to work due to a permanent disability sustained in your crash.
  • Pain and suffering in certain circumstances.
  • Home modifications (installing a wheelchair ramp, for example) if necessary.

Who decides how much money I receive?

Often, it’s the insurance companies involved that have the most to say about how much money should receive for your accident. This includes your insurance company and the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Not surprisingly, the at-fault driver’s insurance company often does everything it can to pay you as little as possible or nothing at all. That’s because they often owe you a lot of money. This is why you need a lawyer on your side, demanding the money you rightfully deserve.

Can I ask for more money?

Yes. You may deserve a lot more than what is being offered – perhaps more than the average car accident settlement. In many cases, demanding more is the smart thing to do. That’s because if the other driver’s insurance company makes a settlement offer, their offer will often not even come close to covering all your accident expenses. They make such lowball settlement offers because they hope you will accept them and go away.

But if you do accept their first settlement offer and your expenses go up in the future, you will have to pay for such additional expenses out of your own pocket. That’s because once you accept a settlement offer, that’s it. You cannot ask for more money in the future.

Don’t fall for their tricks. Demand the maximum financial compensation you rightfully deserve. Talk to an experienced attorney right away.

Should I accept a settlement offer or file a lawsuit?

As explained above, many insurance companies make lowball settlement offers soon after an accident. If you accept their settlement offer, you cannot ask for more money in the future. So, what other options are available to you? In general, you have two choices:

  • Ask for more money and negotiate a better settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
  • File a lawsuit seeking damages, the legal term for financial compensation.

Choosing between negotiating with the other driver’s insurance company or filing a lawsuit is not an easy decision. This is why you need an experienced lawyer advising you on what to do after your accident.

How can a San Antonio car accident attorney help?

Legal cases involving car accidents in Texas can be complicated. There’s no easy answer when it comes to accepting a settlement offer, negotiating a better one or filing a lawsuit. You have a lot of important choices to make after your crash. An experienced attorney The Herrera Law Firm can help you better understand your legal options.

Discover what we can do for you. Contact us and schedule a free consultation with a San Antonio car accident attorney you can count on when it matters most. Whatever you decide to do, we can make sure your legal case gets the attention it rightfully deserves.

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    The Herrera
    Law Firm
    1800 W. Commerce St.
    San Antonio, TX 78207
    Toll Free: 1-800-455-1054
    Phone: 1-210-224-1054
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